Sunday, September 8, 2024

Regulation Thermometry and the AlfaSight 9000 (BETA)


In our constant search for the latest innovations in non-invasive health and medical advancements, HealthTech Reporter met with Alfa Thermodiagnostics, the developers of the ALFASIGHT 9000. 

The AlfaSight 9000 (also known as the ALFA System) is a robust, easy-to-use, and reproducible measurement system that utilizes streamlined infrared technology, artificial intelligence (AI) - and years of world-corroborated, accumulated data. It’s a whole-body, early-detection system that views a patient’s overall health while finding hidden issues and causes for many disease including pre-disease contributing factors. 

 According to the manufacturer, this diagnostic device may detect the following Organ Dysfunctions: 

- Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes (Pancreas)                        - Breast (Breast Health, Cystic Changes)

- Liver Disease and Function                                        - Endocrine Function (Pituitary/Thyroid/Ovary)

- Cardiac Function (Efficiency, Electrophysiology)    - Brain and Headache

- Dental Infections                                                        - Structural Integrity (Neuromuscular)

- Pulmonary Function                                                    - Viral and Bacterial Disease Monitoring

 In August of 2024, HealthTech Reporter conducted a private interview with Dr. Daniel Beilin (CTO & Founder) about establishing the science of Regulation Thermography and his ALFA System.  Dr. Beilin is an American specialist in alternative medicine for over 35 years. He has a neurophysiology, gastroenterology, and herbal sciences background. His first research at the age of 16 included his own laboratory at the UCLA Brain Research Institute and is now internationally recognized for his contributions to detection of the causes of cancer and immune dysfunction with cutting-edge precision-based European diagnostic tools. 


I was six and a half years in academic medical research when I decided that conventional medicine was not really anything but a bunch of recipe books for treating individuals with the same diagnosis in the same way. Whereas (truth is), every individual is different; the same pneumonia patient can have a different etiology and a different organ involvement that helps to make the person vulnerable to that pneumonia (say) could be cancer as well. I wanted to explore the terrain, which means that our own physiology that is controlled by our autonomic nervous system, our metabolism, our environmental exposures to toxins, our diet-- all of these factors are forgotten in conventional medicine. When someone walks in with a particular disease, they only target the end stage symptom and thereby not really helping long term, they can save lives and surgeons can definitely do a good job of that. In the preventive world, there has to be an understanding of how to see things that are invisible, that are building and not quite as bad as would be seeable in an ordinary lab blood test. 

 My technology only vaguely overlaps acupuncture and Chinese medicine. It's more in line with neurology. The doctors that can best understand what we're doing by our device are nuclear medicine radiologists and cardiologists... because what we're actually doing is challenging the body and examining the responses to the challenge. By this, we can understand health in a whole new way. By looking at the body in a dynamic way, we are able to see the resilience of each organ system by inducing stress into the whole body with exposure to cool air. From here, we take a 'before and after' exposure measurement, then we're able to define where on the body are their non-ideal responses. 

I started going to Germany in about 1979. And I studied in about 20 different clinics and hospitals in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. As you may know, Germany has always integrated conventional medicine with alternative methods such as homeopathic medicine, herbal medicine and nutritional medicine. They are the most open-minded alongside being very science minded and very ordered in the way they think. 

 There was a Dr. Schwan(sp?) that invented this method. I explored his work through his students since he had died by the time I got there. One of them was a Dr. Rimar Boniss (sp?) who was an internist, and he told me about this technology. 

 To clarify, I did not invent the technology, but I improved it vastly to be more stable. The values that we acquire are more highly calibrated to the human body and more reproducible. After he came to me, he said, "I know the guy that is creating these devices, manufacturing the devices, so why don't you see if you can get it through the FDA and then you could distribute them and then educate doctors." So that's exactly what I did. 

I brought this device to FDA, cleared it with the Department of Radiological Devices (which is a pretty serious group), and then that company got sold off and it's not really manufactured anymore. I was told by leaders in the field, like Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, that if I could manufacture or create my own device that would be improved, then he would endorse it. Then, we could start a whole new orientation to use this device as the prime initiatory clinical device since that means that every single patient that comes to a hospital or a clinic, if they're tested with this method. 

 This method digitizes skin temperatures. it's not falsely trying to look inside the body like an X-ray, but (instead) it's taking the skin's temperature and that the skin is all controlled by the sympathetic nerves that align with capillaries that open and close and let heat out or keep heat in. We're actually using the sympathetic nervous system and its connections through the spine and to the internal organs to get indirect readings of all the organ systems as well as tissue such as breasts, lymph and all kinds of thoracic syndromes and orthopedic problems. 

 It's a single 20-minute test. It involves taking the first measurement down to your waist, and then you have to remove your clothes from your waist up into your underwear so that you then become exposed to cool air for 10 minutes, which initiates a fight or flight reaction. Here, your blood shunts into your core, and to your head in order to prepare you for running away "from an enemy". 

 By looking at your own responses in about a hundred points that we measure, we're able to get some information about organ systems that are abnormal- those that are in their infancy stage up to their actual disease state. This opens up a whole new window of preventive care. 

 Five years ago, I presented at Beth Deaconess Hospital in Boston (Harvard) to 10 radiologists. One of them was the lead expert who reads all breast cancer research in radiology, trying to use computer assisted diagnostics and applying artificial intelligence to mammograms. She told me at the time that their computer assisted diagnosis was a complete failure and that the radiologist's eyes are still the most accurate assessment method. This uses up a lot of hours and manpower and very highly trained, trained people. She liked my device because it digitizes making objective, "and it looks like you have 13 algorithms that can depict building breast cancer." 

We planned a study on breast assessment in two categories. Ones that are not known, whether they're producing yet. A cancer is in differential carcinoma in situ two, which is a pre-cancer for most of its stages. It is not a cancer yet, but some oncologists believe differential carcinoma is a cancer. We can give additional information that can lead to better diagnostics. 

Within this time, the FDA declared our device, the AlfaSite 9,000 system as an ADJUNCT diagnostic system. This means that it doesn't tell you that you have cancer; if you have hepatitis (per se), it tells you that "you better do some imaging in this area-- or perhaps you ought to go out for a blood test here because we have the pattern of autoimmune thyroid like Hashimoto's, a Graves disease". 

 This kind of information gathered assists doctors in making better decisions on what to test for. It has a very high degree of accuracy for about 35 conditions. The test takes 20 minutes and certified technicians can be taught how to operate it in an hour- which includes generating a report based on all the data that's accumulated for proper interpretation. 

To date, we have 180 devices in 14 countries right now. I'm doing a new project with the biggest hospital in Asia, which is the Ames Hospital (just outside of Delhi with Dr. Prem, who is the lead physician). We are advancing into projects with our device that leads to a crucial step in medicine and prevention. This greatly affects women's health because of its high accuracy for breast assessment.

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